OutSight Consulting

2015 Six Month Review

It was a very busy six months, and it ended with a bang doing a program for my very own Fraternity. All I can say is thank you to all my clients, contacts, friends and especially Brothers for making it all possible for me. This was the semester of driving… and more driving… I don’t think I have ever had so many gigs within driving distance this close together. I also am doing more local speaking, which is interesting and kick off my year of presentations right here in South Bend in three weeks.

IMG_0727So here are some highlights…

FAU… wow a whirlwind trip. I didn’t even get to get used to the weather. It was my first time speaking at an MLK Event and loved it. It was great to see people relating to the powerful story of my Abuelita through examples of the leadership and passion of MLK. Was really touching to me and honored that I was able to do that and get great feedback.

At Illinois State I had my tightest turn, I had a couple back to back workshops, with the last one ending 20 minutes before my keynote in front of 1500 Greeks. Needless to say the turn was tight, but the students were awesome, their AV staff on point, and my voice was gone. Afterwards I had dinner with a fantastic Panhellenic Board under a mulberry tree. Pretty great trip.

MGC Consulting – between campuses last fall, and several this spring I think I need to start a more formal campus MGC survey. On each campus, from FAU, to UNCC and this semester at ISU… the stats on why students are joining MGC groups are clearly completely different than what students think. We need to change the way we recruit to address the actual reasons why people aren’t joining… more coming soon on this…

The Law and Right Thing – With all the legal issues in higher education right now I wrote my first blog just about my thoughts on policy. It was well received, and just two weeks ago I was able to chat with my grad school law class professor about it, he loved it! I wish more campuses thought about student learning first, and I would love to help them change their perspective.

So it has been a great start to the year. I have some exciting things lined up for the rest of the year so far… I am kicking it off with my first time speaking to Non-Profit organizations. I am the luncheon speaker for the Michiana Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals in July. I am excited for that program as I am doing more and more work with non-profit leadership.

I have a fun August weekend lined up… I am keynoting and facilitating TWO conventions on the same weekend! Both Alpha Psi Lambda and Pi Alpha Phi are in Chicago, on the same weekend, and both asked me to do programming. Great timing, two GREAT organizations, and I am very excited about that program. Excited to return to my Alma Mater at the end of August for a presentation. August will be busy and fun!

I have a handful of other programs coming up and the rest of 2015 is going to be great! I still have a few dates left for the year, I can’t take many in September/October because of local events here but please let me know what you need and I will do my best to help.

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Higher Education and Leadership Development