OutSight Consulting

3800 Miles #RoadWarrior

I just had a whirlwind 7 days of travel and consulting…

I did about 2400 miles in a plane (SBN to SAN and back), and then 500 miles round trip from Orlando to Miami, and then once back home I drove about 700 miles to Danville, KY and back and finally this weekend I went to Chicago and back for a short little 250 miles roundtrip. WHOA.

In that time I slept in South Bend, Orlando, Miami, Louisville, and Chicago. It isn’t the most of I have traveled (flights to Cali, etc.) in that few days, it wasn’t the first time I had three gigs in a week (but its been a while) but it was the most driving/flying combo I have done in a long time. I drove nearly a 1000 miles in between flights of 2400 miles.

So why do I do it? I miss my kids, I have to work on the road to keep up with things in the office, and projects around the house need my attention. I am for sure not in it for the glamour of being on the road, and if you see my car I drive you know I am not in it for the money…

I do it because I love it, because the people I meet help change my life, and I in turn offer my skills and experience to them to improve their situation. Lets recap my last three trips…

I was back in Miami on an invite from my good friend Vlad. He has booked me before, through CS or on my own and this time I was there to do consulting with IFC Chapters and help with being strategic in this upcoming year. We had some specific learning outcomes, I had them play my Paper Airplanes activity to remember to keep their eyes on the prize… not to focus on the process and the details, but focus on your desired outcome and plan your process to that outcome.

I have consultations scheduled with their chapters to follow up and help them #Plan4Success this fall!

IMG_4407DKE Convention
Fun road trip… well not that fun, construction the whole way made the drive much longer than it needed to be… but rolling into Danville, KY was sure a great site. It was a beautiful small town full of southern charm and anchored by an amazing little campus. It was my first time working with DKE and as usual you learn so much working with a group for the first time. I was able to relate to their smaller chapter sizes and extreme pride in who they are as a national group. With them I was facilitating the Recruitment Bootcamp program and hope to see lots of positive membership growth from DKE Chapters this year!

IMG_4469Gamma Phi Omega – GPhiO
This past weekend was a ton of fun… it was my first time doing Recruitment Bootcamp with a cultural Greek organization. I am so excited to see more culturally based organizations to embrace the need to reach outside of their comfort zone and look at ways to reach out to connect to more people on campus that are aligned with their mission. It was about 70 women dedicated to a cause, dedicated to making the world a better place and that bringing in more members will help that good cause along. The group was responsive, asked the hard questions, and worked hard in small group meetings. I am expecting #GreatThingsFromGPhiO this year!

Wow… it was a fast few days, and this weekend I go back to Chicago to work with DPhiL… The Ladies of Delta Phi Lambda invited me to keynote their convention this weekend. I am honored, excited and very humbled to be speaking to their group… more traveling coming up soon!

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Higher Education and Leadership Development