OutSight Consulting

Epsilon Sweetheart

WMU Event Podium

My chapter hosted a scholarship program this fall called the International Beta Sweetheart Scholarship. No it was not a pageant, they did it all professional with applications, and a review committee and even asked an old dog like me to go and speak.

So I made the trek up to Western Michigan University last night to speak at the event. I was in good company, Mike Ramirez the Assistant Director of Multicultural Affairs also spoke. He worked for WMU in 1987-88 when our founders first learned about SLB and worked to bring it to campus. One of our founders, Eddie Balderramas was also able to attend last night.

WMU Event ProgramI did a quick custom speech for the event. They wanted me to talk about my Abuelita story, and having a short time slot I did a bit from that speech, but I worked on giving two pieces of advice for being successful.

My Abuelita always pushed our dreams, and pushed us to be educated because it would help us reach our dreams. So I talked about tips for reaching your dreams and sharing those dreams with others. In an age when we share nearly everything on social media, I reminded them to share their dreams with others for support and accountability.

It was a fun night, great event and nice to see my undergraduate chapter Brothers working hard. Congrats to the winner of the scholarship and hopefully we can keep this rolling each year. Brothers, You Did A Good Job.

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Higher Education and Leadership Development