Fall 2016!
This fall was a fun and hectic time for OutSight Consulting! Lets recap!
Hazing Programs! As an original board member for HPO I used to do a lot of programs on hazing. I strayed away from it and was glad to get a few requests this year. I traveled to sunny Miami to one of my favorite clients; FIU! I spoke to their Greeks and Athletes, audience so big they had to stream my program into an overflow room! Then I got to drive to friendly Ohio to visit Wittenberg to speak for Sigma Kappa Respect Week! Did workshops back to back there on hazing and the students were one of my most engaged hazing workshops! Thanks Witt Greeks! Thanks Sigma Kappa!
I went out East for a return visit to Rutgers to work with their MGC Chapters. I was able to come the day before and do my campus survey. For those new to my programming, everything I do is custom, and when I do my recruitment workshop I walk around campus and talk to non-Greek minority students about their perceptions and questions about Greek Life. It informs my program, allowing me to debunk the student perceptions of non-Greeks, and tell them what students on their campus are thinking. It is powerful because truly at each campus responses are a little different. Thanks Rutgers!
A leadership blog by author Tim Lehman asked me to guest write this month. My piece was titled “Growing Leadership” and used the analogy of gardening and unique flowers to talk about authentic leadership. Check out the article here: http://www.gibsonins.com/blog/growing-leadership
I got to travel to Washington DC to present at the CUMU Conference (Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities) about community engagement with faculty from the University of Notre Dame. Shared about the great work happening at La Casa de Amistad and how our campus-community partnership makes what both of us do even more successful.
In between all of that I MCed a fundraising dinner and broke into the field of auctioning fine art, I got to meet Edward James Olmos and Supreme Court Justice RBG, got asked to host a local TV show (more details coming soon) and got to drive a Ferrari around a racetrack!
So yeah, been busy, been having fun, hope to see you around!
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