OutSight Consulting


OutSight Design & Consulting was started over ten years ago… time flies! It was started to design shirts and websites for fraternities and sororities. Later OutSight broke out into designing websites for small businesses in Grand Rapids, Detroit and Lansing, MI. Then speaking, event planning, facilitation and now consulting have become areas of growth for OutSight.

Check out the services that we can provide throughout our site. Everything we do is custom to each client. No canned presentations, no rehashed reports… everything is what you ask for and what your organization/campus needs. I earned a reputation in this industry for being dedicated to helping groups achieve more, and each of my programs works to support that goal and meet campus, community and organizational goals. Everything I provide is custom to the campus, client or specific need.

Many of the colleges and university that we have worked with ask us back over and over because they know we do good work. We love working with students and making a difference and helping advance student engagement.

Check out my professional profile on LinkedIN

Email me: sam@centellas.org

Download: Bio | Headshot
*Ask for a custom bio for your program


Higher Education and Leadership Development