ITCC Leadership Academy
In 2012 when I was hired by Ivy Tech Community College I was asked to help create the curriculum for their Student Leadership Academy. I became a Certified Student Leadership Challenge facilitator and worked on creating the statewide curriculum. I taught the course last year, and this year after leaving staff they asked me to come back and still teach the class. I was glad to be able to do it, because as a program I helped write I want to see it grow.
The program is designed as a 20-hour program that covers the leadership practices from The Leadership Challenge, helps with professional development (etiquette, communication, conflict mgmt, etc.) as well as buildings pride and awareness about the institution. The blend of topics helps you break up sessions and keep things flowing well. For fall 2013 I wrote two different types of programs, those that would meet 2 hours a week for 10 weeks, and then I ran a 4 hours per week course for 5 sessions. Still same contact hours, but broken up differently.
I had a great group! Diverse backgrounds, ages, majors, life experiences but everyone was there with the goal of becoming a better leader. Like I told the class on the first day, I learn things each time I get to teach, and I was looking forward to being a journey towards improving my leadership practices as well.
Today we had the graduation program in Indianapolis. It was a nice program and everyone looked sharp, had good table etiquette and received their graduation bling. It is sad as I know I am slowly doing less and less with Ivy Tech, it was nice to see old colleagues and connect with the students again as I finish my transition out of Ivy Tech student life.
Now time for the holiday break!
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