OutSight Consulting

New Program: Berkeley’s Burning

I just returned from the AFLV Central conference in Indy (conference recap coming soon). I was inspired by so many students asking me about the advocacy that I do through La Casa de Amistad that I had to write a new program. Still fine tuning it, but I stayed up all night and wrote the draft and outline of “Berkeley’s Burning, Washington’s Drowning, What’s Your Role?”.

BerkeleySo many students want to understand what, where, when and how they can be advocates for things they believe in. How does that mesh with their membership in maybe their Fraternity, or campus club, or national affiliated organization. The important thing is learning the difference between Politics and Policy and what they can do on their college campus.

Millennial’s often times get painted as not caring, but that is not true. I know most college students care deeply about the issues happening in this country. We need to work on ways to help you express your views in ways that will get you noticed, help you spread your message, and engage others to work together.

This would be a great program to tie into one of my other programs. If your Greek council wants to bring me for a recruitment program, we can get this as a package deal. Just like I do with my “Abuelita’s Hands” program offer 2 programs for costing of one. When I am on campus, I like staying busy and offering as many programs as possible. So this is one more option! Maybe your Dean of Students office would want to help sponsor it.

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Higher Education and Leadership Development