OutSight Consulting

Polishing Diamonds with RJO

RJO 2015

Last weekend I had a great time working with the Retail Jewelers Organization (RJO) on a program I helped design for them last year. The “Next Generation Experience” is designed to help the up and coming future leaders of the fine jewelry industry. The participants were mostly second generation jewelers ready to lead their store, or new owners looking to gain leadership experience and get ahead of and lead trends in their field.

It is a great group to facilitate because they are so passionate about their work and engage fully in all the activities and programs. I love the event as well because all the professional presenters in the field teach me a lot. Plus like I said last year, it is always nice to know people in the diamond industry…

11108672_10203493446531637_6598970116558662415_nIt was a beautiful three day conference at Hamburger University in Oak Brook, IL. It is the headquarters and training area for, yes you guessed it, McDonalds. The complex is a perfect get away near a crowded city and really sets the tone for reflection and helps the group focus. Yes there was time for fun built into the schedule, but we also worked hard and they made the most of each session.

2015 RJO CoffeeWhether it was figuring out how to order coffee, or reflecting on why they went into this industry, or maybe working on the perfect airplane, or hearing an amazing session on diamond sales and millennia’s impact on the industry… this was a great weekend and I am proud to have been a part of it!

Thanks RJO for including me again in the program, and I look forward to seeing you in 2016!

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Higher Education and Leadership Development