OutSight Consulting

Riley HS Latinos!

On October 15, 2013 I was honored to speak to the Latino students at Riley High School in South Bend, IN. It was a little over 100 students, mostly there to get out of class I am sure… and if anyone has ever spoken to HS students you know… its a scary crowd.

school-rileyWell I thought it went really well, and I got good feedback from all the administrators there, and yes, even a couple students stayed to say thanks. I got to tell my “Abuelitas Hands” story again, something I am getting a little more comfortable doing now. I made some tweaks so that it would catch the attention of HS students… trust me their attention span is VERY short.

I told did my presentation, but had more of an angle about how education impacts life long earnings. I shared some stats about potential income, jobs opportunities, and how they owe it to their families who struggled, sacrificed and worked hard to give them all the opportunities they have here in American.

Not sure I want to be in front of HS students on a regular basis, much respect to the teachers who work tirelessly each day to help these students achieve. It is no easy task, but a very important one if we are to help our youth achieve.

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Higher Education and Leadership Development