OutSight Consulting

Six Month Review

The first half of the year is done… WHEW. This was the busiest six months of my consulting and speaking career. I had new clients, some returning clients and work as well through Campuspeak with Recruitment Bootcamp. I love doing this work, it is so rewarding for me to be able to spend time on a campus, with students, or training professionals that are going to then go and make a difference.

I did my Abuelitas Hands presentation for nearly 1,000 people this semester, and added four new consulting clients for this year and hopefully more still to come. I visited seven states and spoke in total to nearly 5,000 students… never thought so many people would get to hear my stories, or most importantly the story about my abuelita.

Presenting "Abuelitas Hands" at Toledo Youth Summit

Presenting “Abuelitas Hands” at Toledo Youth Summit

When I started speaking professionally over 10 years ago, I never thought I would be this busy. I started it because I was asked by a campus to present to them what I talked about at the first Hazing Symposium at Purdue University. Before then I was doing some design, data and tech consulting to help pay for graduate school. When I added traveling and speaking I was at first really only an AntiHazing Speaker and I really enjoyed those trips. I did my “Stupid Vs. Hazing” program across the country… from New Jersey to California and everywhere in between.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me over the years and helped me reach more students. Special shot out to the campuses that book me over and over, and the professionals who when they switch jobs, take me with them. I am looking to start adding some testimonials on my pages and blogs so please hit me up with an email and you can get posted on here.

I am looking forward to doing some Abuelitas Hands this fall for Hispanic Heritage Month. I have a couple dates already, so email me soon if you want to bring me to campus. I also have all summer conventions and fall recruitment prep programs coming up so follow me on Twitter and Like my page on Facebook. Thanks!

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Higher Education and Leadership Development