Welcome to Kentucky
I had the honor of working with a great NPHC that is poised for amazing things. The University of Kentucky NPHC asked me to put together a retreat for them to help kick off their fall 2013 semester. After two interviews with student leaders, we identified what direction and issues we wanted to cover and planned a great retreat. So I planned a curriculum for a day long retreat covering topics from recruitment, to hazing to living our values.
When you try to rally 80 students, days before the start of classes you assume keeping everyone’s attention will be difficult. That was not the case in Kentucky, everyone was engaged, interested and involved in helping plan some strategy for chapters, but more important for NPHC in general.
We worked on recruitment strategies ad discussed issues facing the NPHC groups. Then we did a visioning activity on how UK NPHC can be a major player in the development of campus life to support current minority students but also help recruit more students to the college in general. It was exciting to see some of the ideas we generated and then made short term and long term plans to help achieve those initiatives.
I expect to see some great future partnerships from the NPHC in Kentucky with their administration and I hope to return to campus to witness some major accomplishments. I am looking forward to returning to see what great items this group will accomplish!
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